Placement story

Martin Blazek - Placement Story

Aug. 30 2023
Placement story

Bureau Veritas

Everyone was so welcoming and supportive - I couldn't have asked for a better experience


How do you think this experience will be beneficial for your career goals? 

 Having the opportunity to network with people in my desired field was invaluable. Not only was everyone accommodating and great to connect with, but I was also able to take away useful tips and knowledge that will help me succeed in my future job role. 

 How have the team supported you since you’ve been here? 

 I really appreciated the level of hospitality I received from both Manchester and Birmingham. The team provided guidance and support that allowed me to tackle tasks confidently and, at times, independently. Not only did they assist me with my work, but they also ensured I felt settled in a new country. Everyone gave me great recommendations and made sure I felt at home. 

 What have you learned since you’ve been here?

I have learned so much during my stay. Everyday was something new. From taking on payroll duties, working alongside HR, or even being in the field at one point, I can leave this experience with a range of skills under my belt. It was interesting to see how people approach their work and I will take this on board in my future career.

 What was a key highlight for you? 

 There was a day when the team in HR and payroll came down from Manchester to the Birmingham office. It was a great team-building experience as everyone worked in large groups and listened to each other. I saw how people dissect each task and interact with their colleagues and I hope to implement these teamwork skills in my next role.

 What are you looking forward to in the future? 

 Although I’m still unsure of the career path I would like to take, this experience has opened doors for me and allowed me to consider career options I had not thought about previously. I’m looking forward to connecting with the people I have met and will hopefully work with them in the future.